Cat Condos
by Rika Apriyanti under Cat Condos
Cat condos are truly becoming works of art. They not only come in a wide range of heights, sizes, colors and shapes, but they are now being created to look like fabulous art pieces that fit just about any decor.
Feline condo designs range from ultra modern structures to ones made to resemble trees and waterfalls to elaborate castles complete with towers and turrets.
When selecting a condo for your cat, it is important that you not only keep in mind how the condo is built, and looks, but also at the features that it has to offer to your cat.
Cat condos are also made from a multitude of different materials that as a potential buyer you need to carefully examine. If you want your cat condo to double as a scratching post it is important that you make certain that the material provided for scratching is going to appeal to your cat.
Cats are very particular about where they scratch, hence their preference for the most expensive piece of furniture in the house. They like a surface that is thick enough to get their claws into but that will have some give to it. One of the best materials for this is sisal rope. Many cat condos offer areas where they use different colors of sisal rope to allow the cat a place to clean and sharpen his claws.
Sleeping areas on the condo are often made out of different fabrics to offer your pet a softer more relaxing area. Some condos use faux fur while others stick to the more traditional carpet like material.
One of the most important things to look at when buying a condo for your cat is what is under the material. You want to ensure that the condo has a good heavy base and will not tip or fall over. If a condo is not stable, your pet will not use it. Moreover, and obviously for the safety of your feline friend, you want to make certain that he will not be injured in a vigorous play session due to poor construction.
A cat condo is truly a great way of enriching the life of your pet. A cat that is indoors all the time will especially appreciate having his own space and play center.
Cat Collars
by Rika Apriyanti under Cat Collars

Although most dog owners walk their dogs, cat owners rarely take their cats for a walk. All the same, it is possible to teach your cat to get used to a lead. Indeed, there are collars, harnesses, and leads designed purely for cats.
Dog collars, apart from being used to hold a tag to identify dogs should they run away, are really used as something to which to attach a lead, but the same isn't true of a cat collar. A collar can easily slip off over a cats head or worse, the elasticated variety can be stretched by a branch, then snap back on the cat's jaw, causing untold damage. They can be useful to hold an identity tag or the magnetic device which allows the cat in and out of the cat flap or a bell to warn the local bird population of the cat's approach but most vets don't recommend them because of the danger of jaw injury.
On the other hand, cat harnesses, if properly done up cannot slip off accidentally and can have a lead attached. The basic design is just a nylon harness but some are made to look like clothing. In either case, the most important aspect is the adjustability so that the harness can be as tight or loose as necessary.
Cat leads can be static or of the retractable variety but shouldn't be so heavy that your cat can't move under its weight. Retractable leads are great if you want your cat to be able to sniff around the bushes or other areas away from the roads but when walking close to traffic can be shortened to keep your cat by your side.
You will need to get your cat used to walking on a lead before taking him out but you can't train a cat in the same way as you can a dog. Jerking the lead when they wander from side to side won't make a cat come to heel. In fact, there is no guaranteed way of doing that but as cats are far smaller than dogs and unlikely to pull you over if they don't stay at heel, it probably doesn't matter very much. The best you can really expect is that you don't get scratched to pieces when you try to put your cat's harness on.
The simplest way to train your cat to get used to a lead is to put his harness on when he's only about eight weeks old. Leave him to walk around the house with it on for a few days and then add the lead. When he is accustomed to that, pick up the lead and try walking while pulling on it very gently while calling his name. Give him treats and strokes when he does come to your call and he'll soon get used to walking with you when he's wearing his harness and lead.
At this point, you can take him outside secure in the knowledge that he won't infuriate your neighbours by using their gardens for his toilet.